CompanyCam’s workplace environment and culture was super fly. I learned about CompanyCam during a school field trip. CompanyCam is a company that helps contractors build trust with their crews and customers through photo documentation. I was impressed with their workplace culture and environment because it gave me an overall good feeling and I would want to work there. It seems that with hard work, I could work at a place like CompanyCam without spending a lot of time at college. I will also share what I think they do well as a workplace and what they could do better.

First, when I walked into CompanyCam, I loved the scenery. They had an eating area in the front with plenty of seating options and a drink station. They had donuts and coffee out for offering. Not to mention, everything looked clean and sanitized. After we left the lounge, we went into a conference room with a big tv on the right and restrooms on the left. The company probably has one of the nicest public bathrooms I have ever seen. The people were funny and cool, and it seemed that the staff have fun and enjoy where they work.
CompanyCam is a sales company, and I learned that sales is a career where you do not necessarily need a degree. According to Chad, one of the employees, “Sales is an alternative degree to high school, it is a mastery in and of itself…the sales training and the opportunity of sales is its own path.” CompanyCam is the type of place where you could work in sales and not have to do a lot of studying.
I honestly don’t feel there is too much they can improve on. They have it all down. If I had to choose something, I would say the name of their company does not match what they do. I would have named the company, eSales Easy.